Bryan Micallef Studio is a Geelong based design studio specialising in furniture and objects.
After building a successful career in advertising, Bryan Micallef has extended his creative energy towards the realm of furniture design. He has crafted his skills at the Melbourne Guild of Fine Woodworking and the Victorian Woodworkers Association, and over time has developed a distinctive approach characterised by innovative application of Australian or sustainably sourced materials to highly conceptual forms.
Micallef likes to approach subjects with an eye of whimsy and challenge. In particular, he likes to explore notions of materiality, for example making the inflexible flex, the straight bend and the heavy float. This invites an audience to engage with the pieces providing aesthetically compelling and thought-provoking conversations.
His designs have garnered recognition at prestigious events such as Paris Design Week, Denfair, and Furnitext Brisbane. A selection of works are on permanent exhibit at the Make Mate studio at 5 Rutland Street, Newtown, Victoria.